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The Ritual of creating a Website

Let’s be real, creating a website in a spiritual process.

Not only that, but I would also add that is a deeply psychological and self-analytical process.

If you ever went through it, you know.

I decided to celebrate my website launch with an article that talks exactly about this.

The Ritual of creating a Website.

Entering the Inter-webs with your persona.

Infusing the web-streams with your essence.

I find this to be a very powerful tool of activism, for anyone who has a specific mission and purpose in this current state of affairs.

In my personal journey of transmutation, arriving at the decision of making a website came from surrender and acceptance.

I have been living off the grid for 3 years now, in the middle of the Jungle of Belize.

Beautiful, simple life… Moments of Bliss are countless and in these states of Bliss, I receive information, most of which is about interconnection.

It is very clear by now, how patterns of many different webs simulate the same design, and amongst these designs, information travels.

Although information travels through many different bodies of webs, we have the possibility to consciously enter certain networks.

This could be anything from entering a web of friends, a category of thought and a line of work for example.

As we grow and step into our bigger purpose in this lifetime, we can be more intentional with our choices and connections.

We can choose to connect to certain people that know will nurture us rather than entering relationships with someone who could be very toxic for us, although sometimes is just what we want.

So this intentional presence in deciding what to “plug into”, gives us the possibility of ontologically design our life. Amazing.

Although almost everyone and their dogs are on facebook and other social media platforms, I feel creating a website is another step towards activism for which ever mission someone is making the website for.

I don’t think I would be creating a website if I wasn’t on a specific mission or had specific intention to share.

It’s honestly a lot of work, and If you want a nice website to share your work, explain who you are and what you have to offer, is not an easy process…

I mean...

... aren’t these the most ancient philosophical questions of our times?

Who am I?

What is my purpose?

What am I here to offer?

We have been trying to figure this out as a species for centuries upon centuries and here we are now, with these personal sites in this invisible Inter-Net in which we host our presence about exactly who we are, what our purpose is, and what we have to offer.

Wow! is this a cyber-spiritual awakening?

The fact of having a website in which we hold on to this idea about “this is who we are “ plays a funny game in mind.

It’s hard to classify your own self, or that’s my own experience anyhow.

Going through the process of making a website is a beautiful creative process in which we can dive into the depth of ourselves and learn how to express what we are here for.

I’ve been creating websites for myself for more than 4 years now and I can honestly say that each time it has been a transformational process of growth, self-analysis, re-assessment and self-design.

It surely takes dedication and intention for self-discovery, and this is why I find it to be such a spiritual process.

So cheers to anyone who can relate to this,

Cheers to the completion of yet another Web-Site,

And may we continue to allow grow and transformation.

Happy designing!



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